Festivalul Vinului din Moldova, ulterior denumit oficial Ziua Naţională a Vinului s-a desfăşurat pentru prima dată în 2002. Tradițional, evenimentul are loc în Piața Marii Adunări Naționale din Chișinău și la vinăriile din ţară, în primul week-end din luna octombrie, după recoltarea strugurilor. Scopul manifestării constă în promovarea și consolidarea imaginii țării noastre ca un important stat vitivinicol, asigurarea suportului pentru dezvoltarea sectorului, cunoașterea produselor vinicole, facilitarea procesului de includere a Moldovei în traseele internaționale turistice ale vinului, atragerea investitorilor și turiștilor, sporirea consumului intern de băuturi de înaltă calitate, familiarizarea cu obiceiurile, cultura și tradițiile populare.
@HAP Skills
#chisinau #festival #muzicapopulara #distractie #moldova
The Moldovan Wine Festival, later officially called National Wine Day, was held for the first time in 2002. Traditionally, the event takes place in the Great National Assembly Square in Chisinau and at wineries across the country on the first weekend of October, after the grapes have been harvested. The aim of the event is to promote and strengthen the image of our country as an important wine-producing state, to provide support for the development of the sector, to raise awareness of wine products, to facilitate the process of Moldova's inclusion in the international wine tourism routes, to attract investors and tourists, to increase domestic consumption of high-quality beverages, and to familiarise people with customs, culture and folk traditions.
#winetasting #wine
@HAP Skills
#chisinau #festival #muzicapopulara #distractie #moldova
The Moldovan Wine Festival, later officially called National Wine Day, was held for the first time in 2002. Traditionally, the event takes place in the Great National Assembly Square in Chisinau and at wineries across the country on the first weekend of October, after the grapes have been harvested. The aim of the event is to promote and strengthen the image of our country as an important wine-producing state, to provide support for the development of the sector, to raise awareness of wine products, to facilitate the process of Moldova's inclusion in the international wine tourism routes, to attract investors and tourists, to increase domestic consumption of high-quality beverages, and to familiarise people with customs, culture and folk traditions.
#winetasting #wine
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