Flamingo Beach | Aruba

#Flamingosbeacharuba #Aruba #Flamingos #Feedflamingos

Renaissance Island, Flamingo Beach is home to Aruba’s famous flamingos.

We checked into Renaissance hotel because we are going to Flamingo Beach. So excited we are going to feed and hang out with Flamingos. We woke up to a lovely sunrise. We took the 6:45am boat to Flamingo Beach. Our goal was to be the first one’s there so we can the flamingos all to ourselves, LOL. When we arrived, we saw two flamingos. That was supper cool. Next thing you know there were 8 flamingo on the beach. We spent some time on the beach with the flamingos. We had a great time.

The next day we started our morning with a sunrise and run on Eagle beach. Wow, simply breathtaking.

In the afternoon we hung out at Palm Beach. Palm Beach was definitely busier than eagle beach. The beach was beautiful, and we had a good time relaxing, swimming, listening to music and of course napping. lol

After several hours at Palm beach we went home to relax, then headed to Palm Beach area in the evening to check out the nightlife there and have dinner.

There were live bands in the restaurants, people shopping, hanging out and dinning. It was a good time.

We had an awesome day.

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*More about our last video: ► Exploring the Secrets of Aruba

*Check this video out: ► We Found a Secret Natural Pool | Aruba

*Click here to see our ARUBA series ► http://y2u.be/NsSBa-R1j-s

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0:00 - Intro
0:32 - Checking in The Renaissance Hotel and Sunset
1:17 - Flamingo Beach
7:05 - Boat ride to Renaissance Hotel and Pool time
7:51 - Next Day, Morning run and swim at Eagle Beach!
8:25 - Afternoon at Palm Beach
10:10 - Night life at Palm Beach Area
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We are Gladys & Kenny, from Long Island, NY. We've always had a passion for traveling. We finally made our dreams a reality. In January 2018 we downsized and take the necessary steps to pursue our dream, to travel full time for as long as we can. We rented our house, moved into our attached studio apartment, and continued to travel on a part-time basis until it prepared us for full-time travel. On June 30, 2019, we left to travel the world full-time. The first stop was Bali, Indonesia. It wasn't a simple decision to leave our friends and family. However, you only live once and we didn't want to live with any regrets. We want to document our journey, so we recently did so with vlogs on YouTube and Social Media.
Join us. It's been one crazy ride so far.
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