
GREAT NEWS: SCHENGEN VISA OPENS for 1 More European Country | Process & Docs Required | हिंदी में

Great News are coming up for Schengen Visitors and one more European Country has announced Visa resumption for Indian Citizens. Watch this video till end to know about the country, visa process and documents required.

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Call for Worldwide Visa/Travel: 9810141140 (10 am - 6 pm, Weekdays or SMS "Call Me")
Email anytime: info@sftc.in | Website: www.starfishtravel.co.in
Office Locations:
New Delhi (India) | Lisbon (Portugal) | Warsaw & Lodz (Poland) - Upcoming in May 2021

Connect with Starfish: https://www.instagram.com/starfishtravelco.2/
Connect with Yashdeep: https://www.instagram.com/yash.earth/​

Watch for WORK VISA : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHwiAC8wF-2liOj4lE0Zmkg

Watch Informative Visa & Travel Videos:
UK Visa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tzuv4RkLnnU
Canada Visa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7xigpFui3g&t
Schengen Visa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrKkcyeuPUU&t
Immigration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJYmVgn3g4c
Hindi Immigration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0Opwpr4j9U&t
Visa Free Countries in Europe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MpohI3FGwM&t
& many more...

Thank You,
Starfish Travel Co.
IATA, ISO, ASTA (Reg with Gov of India)
www.starfishtravel.co.in | www.sftc.in

[Note: Information provides in the video are subject to change in future in case of change in any visa/immigration/Government policy, always cross-check before booking]

(clips in the video are sourced from royalty free genesis, for any assistance email: info@sftc.in)

#schengenvisa #travelvisa #travel2021
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