
Help Elshan reach his Dream

My friend Elshan is trying to reach his dreams by studying in Germany but he is financially very poor. Pls help him if you can :pray:


My name is Elshan and I was born in Baku, Azerbaijan 2003 (Dec 27). We are 4 in the family including me. My parents are middle class
but because my country isn't a developed nation the wages aren't high.
From childhood, I always dreamed to visit Europe to learn about its culture and history. But I always admired Germany more than others. My brother is 1year and a half younger than me. So if I go to Germany he will do the same because for him it won't be hard when I will already be there. (we are both interested in IT)
My parents are the biggest motivation and biggest helpers in my life. They have always had my back whenever I wanted to do something and they are right now trying their best to help me go to Germany. I have always had the best grades in my school and am right now one of the best students in my school and area.
My surroundings are mostly lower and the middle class because I go to public school in an underprivileged area but is one of the best students in my area.
I know 5 languages overall (Azerbaijani, Turkish, Russian, German, and English). Azerbaijani was my 1st language and because in my nation people speak more than 1 language I wanted to learn Russian and Turkish. And I learned fluent English from my mother because she is an English Teacher.

I have been to lots of competitions and I always pursue to be competent and never give up. Like every person, I always had the saddest and darkest times, when you just want to give up and when you are really demotivated. But I overcame and I am going to overcome all of them by sticking to my goal.

But I am having some financial problems. So sometimes easy things would seem hard to accomplish.

When I was in 7th grade I started a get more interested in programming and computer science and when the time passed by I had a big passion to learn more in future because back then where I live didn't have the materials or funds for schools or courses to provide students with computer or programming courses. Now I am fairly new to programming. I understand that my skills are far from proficient and that I need to improve them. And I think the best choice for me is to enter an IT University in Germany because they have all the materials that one student would dream of having yo achieve greater skills and improvements. I want to build my future with programming and if I achieve it I will for sure help others like me who had trouble learning or didn't have the opportunity. I would start a campaign to help in the education sector because right now mostly you have to have some money to study abroad or even in a better school in your area. And helping in the education sector for free doesn't get much recognition and help so I would help other students after I achieve my goal of Finishing the University in which I dreamed of studying. And if I go I will be the 1st person from my generation to study in Germany :))

Now I am in 11th grade which I went 1year early to school (i am the youngest student in the whole 11th grades)and I have been learning German for more than a year to go study in Germany. The only problem I am facing right now is financial problems that I have to solve in a short period of time before my chance to study in the country I dream of runs out.

The Conclusion is that my country's schools have 11years for graduating. In Germany it is 12years. I am graduating this year and for studying in Germany i have to apply for Foundation in Germany which costs 20000 euros. I will be grateful for any help I can receive.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this

(this is not me)

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