
Holiday in Poland | 4K

Check out why it's worth to spend holiday 2016 in Poland! Sprawdź dlaczego warto spędzić wakacje 2016 w Polsce!

"Holiday in Poland" takes you on a journey across frequently visited tourist destinations in Poland and also hidden gems still undiscovered to explore. All of the aerial shots in the film contain a corresponding indicator so that viewers can easily find at which geographic location the images were filmed. More than 30 top Polish highlights are captured in the film covering the territory of the whole country from the east to the west, from the Baltic Sea to the Tatra Mountains. A 5-minute film presents the dynamics of Polish cities, the advanced transport infrastructure and gives numerous ideas for an adventurous outdoor vacation. Poland's picturesque landscapes, exceptionally clean lakes, its splendid architecture along with the rich historical heritage make Poland a perfect holiday destination for you.

Produkcja filmowa i reklamowa: http://produkcjafilmowa.eu/

Bank ujęć lotniczych: https://www.ujecialotnicze.pl

Warszawa - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMsRFO_gRpc
Gdańsk - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvknN...
Kraków - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEKHc...
Wrocław - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEKHc...
Konin - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Lyxv...

Realizacja: Jacek Drofiak, Artur Gajdziński
Muzyka: Dan Skinner, Adam Skinner, Paul Mottram, Philip Sheppard
Udźwiękowienie: Michał Baczuń
Ostrość bezprzewodowa: Maciej Tengli
Występują: Rafał Zaboroś, Ewelina Ciura, Anna Zielińska, Paulina Podleśna, Rafał Rybarczyk

Locations: Zakopane, Rokiciny Podhalańskie, Wisła, Ojców, Maczuga Herkulesa, Serock, Gdynia, Hel, Łeba, Sierpc, Skarszewo, Sułoszowa, Powidz, Mikołajki, Konin, Kazimierz Dolny, Kalisz, Licheń Stary, Malbork, Moszna, Poznań, Gdynia, Sopot, Kraków, Wrocław, Warszawa

post production equipment photo:
dron Sierpc photo:
dron Wisła photo:
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