
Honeymoon Roadtrip in Poland | intercultural couple {Algerian and Polish} [VLOG PART1] 2020

Our honeymoon wasn't a typical one! with the pandemic and with our sense of low-budgeting we decided to have a road trip without any plan. where this trip will take us?
Well, this is just the first part of the after the wedding trip.
This video is as it is we didn't delete footage when we were fed-up, tired...
Vlogging isn't something natural for me to do; if you like this content do not forget to comment
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The places that you saw in Poland:

Day 1:
Rezerwat Skalny Ślichowice
Palace of the Kraków Bishops in Kielce
Day 2:
Zamek w Ojcowie
Ojcowski National Park
Kaplica "Na wodzie" pw. św. Józefa Robotnika
Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum - "Judenrampe"
Zagórze lake where we slept
Day 3:
Day 4:
Morskie Oko
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The links I mentioned:

The Polish trade union, Solidarność | DW Documentary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IP_kQNXGBXs
Solidarność - Marek Grechuta https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GL2-OTITy-w

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???? IG: https://www.instagram.com/adamandamina/
???? MAIL: amina.bendada2@aiesec.net .
Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/adamamina
If you want a 1-hour 1o1 consultation with me about studying in Poland... E-mail me and Pay what you want.
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Amina an Algerian girl living in Poland who loves traveling low cost and sharing my discovery with the people I love. I am uploading each week a video about Poland or Travel experience.
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???? Thumbnail & End screen: https://www.canva.com/join/bouchons-liste-explosion
???? Adobe premiere pro CC 2018
???? Recorded with Samsung A40 https://amzn.to/33SujRX
???? Music by
liana flores - rises the moon - https://thmatc.co/?l=5648F8A5
Carter Vail - Love-15 - https://thmatc.co/?l=D2F340C7
Mia Lisette - Drowning (Interlude) [feat. Adriiian] - https://thmatc.co/?l=3F621E22
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AIRBNB: if you sign up for Airbnb with my link you will get 75 zł off your home-booking. And you get 50 zł to use toward an experience worth 200 zł or more. it will be the case for me

Bank Millennium: Open a personal account, I have one and recommend it! and get 80zl (so do I)
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My travel essentials:
• LED Head Torch https://amzn.to/31UO3Sh
• Camping Tent Lightweight 2 Person https://amzn.to/2E57Shq
• Sleeping Bag 350g https://amzn.to/3kRrXc7
• Hiking Backpack, 50L https://amzn.to/31XsOiD
• Camping Mat With Foil https://amzn.to/2EcuyfB
• Lightweight Rain Coat https://amzn.to/3atfx5j
• Hat https://amzn.to/3kOYuPM
• Water Bottle BPA Free https://amzn.to/2EaLrHv
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Nasz miesiąc miodowy nie był typowy! z pandemią i poczuciem niskiego budżetu zdecydowaliśmy się na wycieczkę bez żadnego planu. dokąd nas zabierze ta podróż?
Cóż, to dopiero pierwsza część podróży po ślubie.
Ten film jest naturalny, nie usuwalismy materiału gdy byliśmy zmęczeni i mieliśmy dość...
Vlogowanie nie jest dla mnie czymś naturalnym; jeśli podoba Ci się ta treść, nie zapomnij skomentować
The timeline (it might be useful)
Intro 00:00
The_ first day 01:50
The Second day 6:50
The third day 12:12
The fourth day 18:00

#Honeymoon #Roatrip #Travel #Lowbudget #livingabroad #studyabroad #abroadlife #livinghistory #wanderlust #mixedcouple #living_destinations #travelphotography #livingsocial #interculturalcouple #polandtravel #traveling #europetravel #europe #livingmydream #lifeabroad #travelabroad #poland #polska #algeriangirl #polishboy #tourism #tourist #para #backpackers #couplelovetravel #algeriantravelle #europe
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