Honfleur from vikings to Claude Monet/Honflēra no vikingiem līdz Klodam Monē

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Kādam bija plāns apskatīt Parīzi, kādam doties uz kalniem vai tepat Latvijā doties pie dabas un padzīvot būdiņā meža vidū. Diemžēl pandēmija ceļojuma plānos ieviesa korekcijas. Tā kā dzīvojam Francijā, salecām auto un devāmies uz Normandiju - apskatīt piejūras pilsētiņu Honflēru.

Last Christmas, many of us probably wanted to experience this kind of happy Christmas morning before vacation trip.... Someone had a plan to see Paris, someone wanted to go to the mountains or move out to nature and live in a hut in the middle of the forest. Unfortunately, big travel plans are falling apart due to pandemic restrictions. Since we live in France, our family jumped in the car and went to Normandy to see the little town of Honfleur.
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