
How old is the Earth? | Americans testing their knowledge (50)

How old is the Earth? | Americans testing their knowledge (50)
Easy common knowledge questions that everybody should answer.
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1. What is the capital of Florida?
2. In the song 12 days of Christmas, how many golden rings are there?
3. Time to play Hangman. Touch the letter that goes in the red blank.
4. Name the famous jewelry store in New York City founded in 1837.
5. The mountain range that includes Mount Everest is called what?
6. What river runs through Baghdad?
7. The Sun is the brightest star we can see during the day. What is the name of the brightest star we can see in the night sky?
8. What is Pythagoras theorem?
9. What causes tides?
10. Which ocean are the Hawaiian Islands located within?
11. Who is the creator of the classic book characters: Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn?
12. Who's definitely not winning this auction?
13. How many sides does the trapezoid have?
14. The earth is at least how many billion years old?
15. How many sides are there to a hexagon? Who wrote: “Catcher in the rye”?
16. What is Newton's first law?
17. Which word is reflected correctly in the spilled liquid?
18. How many great lakes are there in the United States?
19. Name one noble gas.
20. What is the largest country by size?
21. A turducken is made up of what animals?
22. What mountain range runs through Asia?
23. The United Nations is located in which North American city?

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