
How the Covid-19 crisis shaped European migration governance

This workshop will explore the impact of the ongoing health crisis with respect to European migration policies. To halt the spread of the coronavirus, EU member states have committed to a range of drastic measures that limit mobility; these include closing of national borders, lockdown and quarantine. This raises a series of questions for migration governance: Have these developments influenced migration patterns within and to the EU and neighbouring countries? Is there a new selective welcome for certain migrant groups, such as health workers and agricultural workers? From the management of refugee camps to refugee resettlement and border closures, how has the covid crisis impacted on the protection of asylum seekers, refugees and vulnerable migrants? What are the responses from the Commission and member states?

Céline Cantat, Research Fellow at CERI-Sciences Po
Shoshana Fine, Postdoctoral Researcher in International Relations at the HUgo Observatory-University of Liège, at CERI-Sciences Po and at the German Institute of Global and Area Studies
Basak Yavcan, Postdocotal Researcher in Migration Governance at the Hugo Observatory, University of Liège
Pawel Zerka, Policy Fellow at ECFR
Chaired by Mathilde Ciulla, Coordinator of the Paris office, ECFR

This is the first seminar of a partnership between the H2020 project MAGYC and ECFR "Crises, migration and European cooperation".
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