How to get a visa to Ukraine? How much it costs?

How can a foreigner come to Ukraine? Citizens of which countries need a visa to enter Ukraine? What are the types of visas? How to properly prepare and submit documents? What is the cost?

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00:00 Greetings
00:12 Types of visas
1:15 Duration of stay
2:22 Visa Type C
3:20 Types of visa C
3:27 С-01 Business purpose
4:00 Visa C-02
4:27 Visa C-06
5:07 Type D Visas
6:15 Transit B Visas
6:32 Purpose of visit
7:55 E-Visas
8:35 Exceptions for D Visas
9:00 Cost
9:27 Web site of MFA
12:42 Adjudicating period

Types of visas:
Type B transit visas:
B-01 - transit passage;
B-02 - transit transportation of goods and passengers;
В-03 - transit passage through the territory of Ukraine of the crew members of foreign ships staying in Ukrainian ports.

Short-term type C visas:
С-01 - business;
С-02 - private;
С-03 - service;
С-04 - transportation of goods and passengers;
С-05 - trips of foreign Ukrainians;
С-06 - tourism
С-07 - treatment;
С-08 - investment activities;
С-09 - activities in the field of culture, science, education, sports;
С-10 - religious;
С-11 - performance of official duties by a correspondent or a representative of a foreign mass media;
С-12 - official;
С-13 - performing the functions of foreign observers;
С-14 - participation in the funeral of a close relative;
С-15 - securing interests in the field of foreign and domestic policy or in cases of a humanitarian nature;
С-16 - emergency response;
С-17 - international flights by pilots and other crew members.

Long-term type D visas:
D-01 - immigration;
D-02 - family reunification with a person who is recognized as a refugee in Ukraine or a person in need of complementary protection, or who has been granted temporary protection in Ukraine;
D-03 - diplomatic / service (for accreditation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
D-04 - employment;
D-05 - international technical assistance;
D-06 - carrying out religious activities;
D-07 - participation in the activities of branches, offices, representative offices and other structural units of public (non-governmental) organizations of foreign states;
D-08 - work in a representative office of a foreign business entity in Ukraine;
D-09 - work in a representative office of a foreign bank;
D-10 - implementation of cultural, educational, scientific, sports, volunteer activities;
D-11 - work as a correspondent or representative of foreign media;
D-12 - founder or participant (beneficial owner) of a legal entity;
D-13 - training;
D-14 - family reunification with a citizen of Ukraine (based on marriage)
D-15 - family reunification with persons holding a residence permit in Ukraine;
D-16 - another, in accordance with international treaties of Ukraine.
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