
Hungary, Slovakia and Czech Republic reopen borders to each other

Hungary, Slovakia And Czech Republic Reopens Common Borders to each other.
They are opening up their countries to travel and tourism between them prior to expanding to include other countries that have managed to get COVID-19 under control.

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Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic Reopens Common Borders

Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia have agreed to reopen their borders for each other’s nationals, as up to now they borders have remained closed due to the Coronavirus pandemic Hungary’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto announced.

He also revealed that he agreed with his Czech and Slovak counterparts to permit Hungarian, Slovak and Czech citizens to stay in their countries without the imposed quarantine for stays of no longer than 48 hours

Hungary’s government previously announced that it has decided to reopen its borders with Serbia.

Hungary also reopened borders with Romania as both countries started to have fewer Coronavirus infection cases.

The Czech Republic has begun reopening its border crossings with Austria and Germany in a bid to facilitate the movement for citizens between these countries.

Amid the Coronavirus, the Government of Slovakia introduced and maintained internal border controls with Austria, the Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary until May 27

Hungary also announced that travellers to Hungary would go through further checks at ports of entry by the Hungarian police and the National Ambulance Service (OMSZ).

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