
I am proud of China

An interesting article:

I can't help but think if this Wuhan thing (2019 nCov) is all hyped up too much, purely because *it is in China.*
The Western media already has an anti-China (remember tariff war, Huawei, Hong Kong etc) agenda, and this is just Xmas came early for them again.

Most people recover from this (and every other flu) , and it is only certain categories of vulnerable people that it gets serious and fatal.

Every winter, tens of thousands of people succumb to the common flu in the West, but we don't get any alarming news about this.
Do you know that 80,000 people died from the flu in the USA alone in 2018!
In 2009, the Swine Flu swept thru the USA!
59 million American infected, 265,000 hospitalised and 12,000 died.
Bet most of you do not know this!
(Wuhan is 7000 infected and 170 fatality so far.)
Don't believe me?
Just Google CDC in Atlanta!

And here we are panicking and buying up all the gloves, hand sanitisers, cold supplements etc etc.
All these manufacturers, distributors, retailers, etc are rubbing their hands with glee!
Xmas came early again.
Two Glove boss had a very very happy CNY!

Imagine, if a new flu occurs in Chicago, and then spreads from there.
Would CNN be broadcasting it 24/7 for weeks on end, and call it the Chicago Virus, and ring alarm bells worldwide to ask people not to visit the USA????

The truth is that every winter, this happens, and has been for hundreds of years, and the media do not see the need to highlight it, because it is so common.
But because it is China, the world takes exception.
You gotta ask yourselves......

Like all flus, SARS, Swine Flu came and went, and so will Wuhan.

I am not belittling the danger of this virus, all I am doing is asking you all to think logically and rationally.
It goes without saying that we all should practice good hygiene *at all times*.

Malaysians, and people generally, panic easily.
But in their state of panic, they forgot that their chances of dying or getting seriously ill from not being hygienic is much much higher from Cholera, Hepatitis, Salmonella etc etc than from Wuhan!
They fail to see that their chances of dying in an accident is far far higher.
They scramble for masks, yet do not wear seat belts or helmets, or did not put their children in safety seats.
Even a Kobe Bryant is not immune to an accident despite his immense wealth.
They smoke and vape like a chimney!!

They visit Europe and US during winter, not knowing that their chances of contracting a fatal flu like that of Wuhan is the same.
They don't wear masks and use hand sanitisers when vacationing there, yet wear them to their own neighbourhood park.

Just because CNN tells them so!

If you believe half the conspiracy theories, just think about this as it all seems too convenient.
Tariff war, Hong Kong, Huawei, Wuhan all seems too coincidental.
And somebody patented the Corona virus only recently.
They also know that Patient#1 for 2019-nCov was nowhere near the Wuhan wildlife market!
Make your own conclusions.
*Think before we forward all the fake news about China*
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