
International Online Forum of Tourism and Travel

Bridge of Friendship: International Online Forum of Tourism and Travel (IOFTT) 2022 — International Online Travel Forum, will be held in the 3rd year, in order to maximize the potential for discovery in the international tourism industry.

On this video I will present the interfaces of tourism with technology while presenting local partners in Brasil. Introducing afrotourism and the Black travel movement. You will hear about virtual tourism, audio guides or guided tours and community based tourism.

Do not miss the opportunity for a unique event of Tourism in the world!

The main event of the year!
Note: For thethe full session with all speakers refer to the events youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rI1ckYiOus&t=5990s

29 September – Speakers IOFTT from different countries present their national uniqueness and regional features to tourists. France — croissants, profiteroles with custard, foie gras, ratatouille, onion soup and other fine dishes. Italy – pizza, lasagna, risotto, pasta. Georgia — Kharcho, Satsivi, Khinkali, Churchkhela. Switzerland — where wine, cheese and chocolate are high-quality brands. Germany and the Czech Republic are famous for beer and snacks, which is confirmed by the annual autumn Oktoberfest. Scandinavian countries have seafood on their menu. Lovers of exotic cuisine look towards China, Japan, Thailand, and India.

1. Udi Goldschmidt Culinary Institute of Jerusalem Israel
2. Irina Mironic - national guide in Moldova, travel treiner WFTGA
3. Simona Markowska, Pirin Tourism Forum - Association of Sustainable Tourism Bulgaria
4. Grace Berfein, guide Argentina
5. Kelly Tavares Rio Encanto Guide Brasil

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Tailor your experience, make a request to a place you would like to visit in Brasil and Book a private virtual tour: https://www.amphy.com/hosts/kelly-t?host_id=62345bb4-98ee-4382-ad4e-6ee70a394b72

Rio EnCantos is a FIT Tour Company in the heart of Rio de Janeiro. We are a network of guides, local businesses, and partner agencies passionate by Brasil's Enchantments and its African and indigenous legacies. Our goal is to ensure that clients, partners, and visitors have the best experiences in Brasil. Our mission is to make sure your entire trip runs smoothly and you enjoy your moments, being in Rio, São Paulo, Amazon, Minas Gerais or Bahia, just to mention a few of the 16 destinations where we have connections.

At Rio EnCantos we work with cultural tourism providing authentic live and virtual experiences that will give visitors a nice feeling of connection with local communities. We provide services such as walking tours around the city, legacy tours, hotel booking, and transfers. We can also facilitate your access to the city if you need to figure out the best ways to engage with people locally and have a good time.
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