
Italian, French and Dutch vibes in Central Europe | Gdansk | Poland, tourist attractions, top sights

You find me in one of the most beautiful cities in Poland and not only, Gdansk.

Follow me on Instagram @ontheroad_alfa4c for lovely 4C shots in the places I take her to (yes, it's a she :) ) | https://www.instagram.com/ontheroad_alfa4c/

Music sources:
Inner Peace by Mike Chino https://soundcloud.com/mike-chino
Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported — CC BY-SA 3.0
Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/2Rz0uMC
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/0nI6qJeqFcc

Other Creative Commons Attribution license sources:
Ocean footage
Title: One whole day time lapse video at sea 4K
Channel: roldan pelagio

Drone footage (if you are the author, please contact me. Email address is on the channel page, section About, the email address there. At the time of getting the footage it was uploaded on Youtube using the Creative Commons Attribution license, which allows reuse. Later when I uploaded the video and wrote the credits, I discovered it is no longer the case):
Drone footage 1
Title: Piękne Miasto Gdańsk w 2019r z drona w 4k
Channel: interflu85
Drone footage 2
Title: Gdańsk z lotu ptaka 4K / Gdansk from above 4K Poland
Channel: Jacek Drofiak
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