
Jesus In The Feasts Of Israel: Passover // Chi Alpha UNC Spring 2021: Week 4

Welcome back to Spring 2021 of Chi Alpha UNC!

We have begun a new series: Jesus in the Feasts of Israel.

This week, Peter Kluth (of Theology Cafe fame) begins our series by looking at the Feast of Passover. Jesus is our passover Lamb!

We meet every Thursday night at 7pm at Greeley Vineyard Church located at 1015 9th Avenue in Greeley. Masks and social distancing are enforced - and please stay home if you're feeling sick or have been around someone who is sick.

For more information******************************
Web: http://www.xaunc.com​
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/xaunc​
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/xaunc​

To support Chi Alpha UNC*************************
Web: https://chi-alpha-unc.square.site​
Venmo: https://venmo.com/Chi-Alpha-2​

"Changing the World from Greeley, CO!"

#ChiAlpha​ #UNCBears​ #UNCO​ #Jesus​ #CampusMinistry​ #Passover #FeastsofIsrael​
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