June 1. Traci Park Sewer Council Hopeful. Jamie Paige, Dirty Roger Mahony, Becky Dennison candy-date

Vicious Censorious Poverty Pimp Lawyers in an endless flow of theatrical reductionist vomitous promotion along with Justin Gordon Esq. a virtual cavalcade of poverty pimp lawyers selling snake oil with flurries of reductionist nonsense that mainly distracts from the hundreds of millions into billions lost to HHH and HUD fraud.
note that these new generation Venice neighborhood Council sudden soldiers claiming experience, presence, intelligent absorption of facts? that only comes from responsible, passionate fieldwork, knowing the principals, knowing who the white elite private developers are, (who use this race baiting cop hates spewing Community destroying advocacy that resulted in the artificially hypergentrified Silicon Needle Beach Murder Rape Culture that Traci Park & Nico Ruderman, especially Jamie Paige, actually personify and represent.

...won't acknowledge knowing Crackhouse Jack Hoffmann, Venice Community Housing Corp, or hotel FELON Carl Lambert V Venice Hotel ,.
Westminster Plaza the crime rates there could match certain wars certain military operations in villages and this has been repressed and it continues to be repressed.

we have over 100,000 views on Horizon Health Action Coalition.
they're obviously field reports of a 70-year-old homeless person who was also a non-criminal for those 70 years who also is based in right here in Venice for 42 of those years as a good citizen a caring citizen accomplished citizen a generous citizen that created jobs for others.

we have over 600,000 views mostly on just two or three very recent Stan Becker Songs YouTube songs
because as a writer as an artist as a songwriter as an American citizen with a dad born in Nazi Poland and I was blessed to be born in the United States in Brooklyn New York in 1951, I deeply understand that writing and songwriting for me that's my personal work and that's my Essential business and so I respond to this viciousness in this hate
dirty Roger Mahony's Pedophile Protection Racket King now Hunter Biden Open Border VENICE..

and the fact that guy like that could get sanctioned by Rome,
then a new POPE comes and to the terror much more than dismay to the terror of Steve Lopez and very many responsible Los Angeles journalists & just lay people of great Faith ???? who love Jesus
find this power demon is still running things locally in Venice and it ends up to be a morass of horror and none of these candidates are dealing with the fact that right now is I dictate this and my third year of homelessness shortening my life every single hour at this point because I've been hate crime attack viciously a number of times after a totally non-violent life for 66 years in the last 4 years until my current age of 70 I've been beaten and battered by drug House Becky Dennison and Dirty Roger Mahony's Valecia Adams Kellum 's St Joseph's "Service Provider" Staff..
these vicious deceitful candidates who will cover it up...
I'm one of the lucky ones I'm still alive many are not we have those voices and images we have those names there's black and gay amongst them so all the social media nonsense is just that it's marketing elements to hide theft
.. I've been restricted blacklisted gaslighted, continually subjected to violence some of it directly from Venice Neighborhood Council but all this is shut up and shuttered out as I received several dozens of restrictions from social media sites as I'm constantly reporting reported.. during ELECTION.

I'm taking a break from dictating this it's been especially hard and violent this last month

I have hundreds of thousands more VIEWS on my written materials and my song materials that have been responded to so beautifully..
I've been totally blacklisted battered ruined shamed retaliatory evicted without attorney subjected to the bodies in the street the methadrine, the actual real horror that they want covered up .

the sex drug tourism the fact that these big power players ghettoizing poor, vulnerable people, Ed Buck style..
extracting every conceivable income stream
Roger Mahony's Biederman Coercion Chart systemic technology of isolation, abuse, terror and lies ..

..to what WAS the Los Angeles Police department

what it is now is the George Gascon ,
Chief Moore, Eric Garcetti, METH Mike Bonin, ED BUCK parade of rape Hotel pimp call boys for Crackhouse Jack Hoffmann.

here's your NWO Elitist candidates all the white scared people who think that this parade float & Nico Ruderman care will bite?

Traci Park Bonin Esq another METH Mike Bonin with theatrical spin and vicious, Censorious, complicit maneuvers beyond the pathetic series of fashion makeovers.

Dispicable Upon Arrival at her Thanksgiving girl party being "All that," on social media
TRACI PARK STILL IGNORING SERIAL STAFF RAPES ,Other Violent abuses while Not ???? accounting for hundreds of millions into billions lost a Section 8 HUD fraud .
a LEASE PARTNER SERVICE PROVIDER hustle that we have thoroughly busted and documented
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