LIVING AS A REFUGEE IN TRUSKAVETS, UKRAINE 2022/ #truskawiec #truskavets #ukraine2022

Truskavets urban territorial community received one of Ukraine's most significant numbers of internally displaced persons (IDPs).

According to the indicators of the Unified Information Database of IDPs, on May 23, 2022, 13,556 people were registered as displaced in Truskavets.

Since the population of the Truskavet community is about 28,000 people, the ratio of residents to immigrants is approximately 2:1. However, many people have not got the official IDP status (we are among them) - so the quantity of refugees is much larger.

The fulfillment rate of sanatoriums is 30-40% compared to previous years.

In the private sector, the situation is better. People forced to flee war want to find a budgets place to stay, they avoid restaurants, preferring private gardens where you can cook yourself, walks, and hiking in the Carpathians.

Rooms on a budget for 2-3 people are the most difficult to find. The price per day starts from UAH 300 (9 USD). A comfortable room with a private bathroom and a shared kitchen can be rented from UAH 500 (14 USD).

If you add a beautiful view from the window, your own kitchen, a playground, and landscape design on the territory, you will not find a room cheaper than UAH 800 (23 USD).
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