
MAS Kopaničiarsky región | KopaniciarskyRegion.sk

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Kopanice - a region in the west of Slovakia - lies largely in the Myjava Upland between the Small and White Carpathians. It borders the Czech Republic from the north and northwest, where the majestic Great Javorina rises above both states - a symbol of Czech-Slovak friendship. It is bordered by the Čachtice Castle from the west, famous for the legends of the blood countness Elizabeth Báthory, from the east by the ruins of Branč Castle and from the south by the Bradlo hill with the dominant - The Mound of Milan Rastislav Štefánik, who is the most important representative of Slovak history.

This region is a typical representative of an area with a scattered settlement, with a total of 43,000 inhabitants. There are small settlements in the hills, but there are much less people living today than in the past. The population is concentrated in the main centers of the region, which are cities Myjava, Stará Turá and Brezová pod Bradlom.

There is a local action group Kopaničiarsky region, which helps to develop the region and associates 60 members and 26 municipalities. One of the interesting projects of LAG is the introduction of the regional brand „Kopanice regional product“ together with the establishment of a regional product shop. The aim of regional labeling is to support local producers and service providers creating value that are characteristic for the region and have a tradition in it. By properly promoting local high- quality products and services, we increase their sales, thereby stimulating and supporting the local economy. The regional brand is intended primarily for craft or art products, food and agricultural or natural products, but also for accommodation, catering and other traditional services and events. The Kopanice label is used in the region by a regional producers of honey, dried fruit, meat products, pastry, ceramics, candles or bobbin lace. Services with this label include fruit destilation and restaurant and accommodation services. Products from all regional producers can be purchased at the Tourist Information Office, operated by the local action group. We also run a mobile regional product shop, with which we participate in various regional events such as markets, fairs, as well as international tourism and food exhibitions, where we promote the region, our producers and local action group itself and its activities. We also promote manufacturers on the website with the prestigious domain regionalneprodukty.sk.

Another important project of the local action group was the „Personalities of Our History“ project, which resulted in the establishment of the Memorial Room of Dušan Samuel Jurkovič in Brezová pod Bradlom. It is created in honor of a prominent Slovak architect of European significance, who designed for example - Luhačovice Spa, Pustevny Tourist Buildings in the Beskydy Mountains, or many other important buildings in Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Poland. It is the first and so far the only museum dedicated to our greatest architect of the first half of the 20th century. By combining original objects and modern interactive technology, the Memorial Room aims to evoke an experience that offers visitors the chance to get a clear idea of ​​this architect. It focuses on his life and work in our region, including the performance of his masterpiece - The Mound of Milan Rastislav Štefánik. In addition to building modifications, the project also included the establishment of information boards and promotional material with professional texts about his life and impact. It also included the installation of life-size D. S. Jurkovič wax figurine. There is also created a virtual tour about his work available at www.kopaniciarskyregion.sk.

We will be pleased to welcome you in this plum region and prepare an interesting program for you.

Keep in touch with us:

Web (https://kopaniciarskyregion.sk/)
Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/kopaniciarskyregion/)
Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/kopaniciarskyregion/)
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