Meet the English-Canadian Historian who fell in love with Poland

Historian Alexandra Richie visited Poland for the first time in 1985. The spirit of open defiance of communism blew her away.
Discover the personal story of one of Poland's best English-language historians, author of the book on the Warsaw Uprising, 'Warsaw 1944.'
'Writing the book was very very difficult,' she says, 'You take on some of the horror of what people have experienced. There were many occasions when I had to take a break from it all.'
Warsaw 1944 remains our host Patrick Ney's top recommended book on the Warsaw Uprising and looks at the battle from the German perspective of Hitler and Himmler.
Alex Richie reveals exclusively the new books she's writing on Polish history and her hopes for her 2 daughters in the future.
'The dynamism, the history, the spirit of the people - Warsaw is my favourite place in Poland.'
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