
New Year 2020 Celebration Fireworks in Poznań, Greater Poland, Poland - 1 January, 2020

New Year 2020 Celebration Fireworks in Poznań, Greater Poland, Poland - 1 January, 2020: https://youtu.be/yGL4WLziJNc .

I've just added a new film to my Tourism: Poland playlist, here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvGU73l75qxWCk2Xcjrf0yDI_Potbi1rA of fireworks being let off in Poznań city centre, to celebrate the 2020 New Year.

Poznań is among the oldest and largest cities in Poland. Poznań is a centre of trade, sports, education, technology and tourism. It is an important academic site, with about 130,000 students. To read more about Poznań, click here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poznań .

To see a detailed city tour of Poznań, click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7G_f4x-FIM0&list=PLvGU73l75qxWCk2Xcjrf0yDI_Potbi1rA&index=2&t=0s .

To see a film of the New Year 2019 celebration fireworks in Wrocław, click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWSbFM65i7M&list=PLvGU73l75qxWCk2Xcjrf0yDI_Potbi1rA&index=5&t=0s .

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This film is a Moss Travel Media production – www.mosstravel.tv

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