
Nyíregyháza best hotels in Hungary Vacation Rentals, Vacation Homes & Condo

Nyíregyháza best hotels in Hungary Vacation Rentals, Vacation Homes & Condo

Nyíregyháza is the county seat and largest city in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county in Eastern Hungary. Some of the most popular attractions can be found north of the city in the suburb of Sóstó. The city is mostly looked over by American and British tourists, though often visited by Polish, Ukranian, Romanian, and certainly Hungarian visitors.Trains leave from both the Budapest Nyugati and Keleti stations several times a day. It is recommended to take one of the many InterCity trains, as the journey will take approximately three hours. You will have to pay an additional fee for your seat reservation (automatically issued at the ticket counter), but the limited seats may disappear quickly, especially on weekends when many students are travelling to and from the capital. InterCity trains run either through Debrecen or Miskolc.If you choose not to take an InterCity, the journey will last closer to four hours as the train makes more stops. The train also will likely be less clean and less comfortable.Another option for going to Sóstó from the train station is to take the narrow-gauge train departing from in front of the train station. This train is something like commuter rail to Sóstó, however, it doesn't run nearly as frequently as the buses.Nyírségi Ősz- és Gyümölcskarnevál (Nyírség Autumn and Fruit Carnival) September is the best time to visit the city as the first weekend kicks off the Autumn and Fruit Carnival. Parade floats are made entirely out of fruits grown in the region. Besides the parades, free concerts are held in Kossuth square. The Municipality of Nyíregyháza is located in the North-Eastern region of Hungary, in Central Nyírség and 240 km from the Capital Budapest. The borders of three countries (Slovakia, Ukraine and Romania) are within a distance of less than 100 km Nyíregyháza.Contact : Péter Nagy.


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