this video abotut facts of poland
The official name of Poland is Republic of Poland. Which became Republic country on 13 September 1989
The total area of this country is 312696 square kilometers, which according to the area comes at number 69 in the world.
The border of Poland is connected to Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia, Ukraine, Belarus and Lithonia.
Warsaw is the capital and largest city of Poland, apart from this there are big cities like Lubnin.
The population of Poland is around 38300000 which comes to number 37 in the world by population.
Poland has the highest number of believers in Christianity, about 93 percent.
The official language of this country is Polish, apart from this, Kashubiyana is also spoken here.
The currency of Poland is the Polish Jaloti which is close to Rupees 19 in India, which is much stronger than India.
+48 is the calling code of this country and .pl country domain here
Poland is an educated country and 96% of the people here are educated
People of Poland like to get married at an early age, but weddings here last for a very short time.
For this reason, the government here has given President Honor to a couple to save marriage for 50 years.
In Warsaw, the capital of this country, if a child is born in a bus or a car, the child's freight is not taken until the entire age.
Creeko city of Poland is considered one of the cheapest cities in the world
After dying in this country, most of the body is donated to the government until no one opposes it.
During the Second World War, more than 20% of the people of Poland were killed.
It took Poland more than 40 years to make up for it
The population in this country is running at a very low speed, that is why the government here has banned Oberson.
Apart from this, to increase the population, here the government assists the child-bearing family, where about 7000 to 8000 rupees are given every month.
European bison is the national animal of Poland. Garuda, the white asker, is considered the national bird of this country.
No age has been set for drinking alcohol in this country, for this reason, any age person can drink alcohol here.
Poland is also known as Super Green Country because it has 23 National Parks.
33% of this country is surrounded by forests and half of its land is cultivated.
For this reason, Poland is known for its excellent technology for farming.
This country has won 17 Nobel prizes so far
Football is the national sport of this country and people here love football
Corn Poppy is the national flower of Poland
Poland is a very beautiful country and in this country there is a fort called Wavell Castle, in addition to this there are many such places to see in Poland. To see that millions of people come to visit Poland every year.
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The official name of Poland is Republic of Poland. Which became Republic country on 13 September 1989
The total area of this country is 312696 square kilometers, which according to the area comes at number 69 in the world.
The border of Poland is connected to Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia, Ukraine, Belarus and Lithonia.
Warsaw is the capital and largest city of Poland, apart from this there are big cities like Lubnin.
The population of Poland is around 38300000 which comes to number 37 in the world by population.
Poland has the highest number of believers in Christianity, about 93 percent.
The official language of this country is Polish, apart from this, Kashubiyana is also spoken here.
The currency of Poland is the Polish Jaloti which is close to Rupees 19 in India, which is much stronger than India.
+48 is the calling code of this country and .pl country domain here
Poland is an educated country and 96% of the people here are educated
People of Poland like to get married at an early age, but weddings here last for a very short time.
For this reason, the government here has given President Honor to a couple to save marriage for 50 years.
In Warsaw, the capital of this country, if a child is born in a bus or a car, the child's freight is not taken until the entire age.
Creeko city of Poland is considered one of the cheapest cities in the world
After dying in this country, most of the body is donated to the government until no one opposes it.
During the Second World War, more than 20% of the people of Poland were killed.
It took Poland more than 40 years to make up for it
The population in this country is running at a very low speed, that is why the government here has banned Oberson.
Apart from this, to increase the population, here the government assists the child-bearing family, where about 7000 to 8000 rupees are given every month.
European bison is the national animal of Poland. Garuda, the white asker, is considered the national bird of this country.
No age has been set for drinking alcohol in this country, for this reason, any age person can drink alcohol here.
Poland is also known as Super Green Country because it has 23 National Parks.
33% of this country is surrounded by forests and half of its land is cultivated.
For this reason, Poland is known for its excellent technology for farming.
This country has won 17 Nobel prizes so far
Football is the national sport of this country and people here love football
Corn Poppy is the national flower of Poland
Poland is a very beautiful country and in this country there is a fort called Wavell Castle, in addition to this there are many such places to see in Poland. To see that millions of people come to visit Poland every year.
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