
Poland chooses Turkey's best fighters"BAYRAKTAR" to protect its skies

Poland will purchase Turkish armed drones: becoming the first NATO and EU member state to buy the hardware from Ankara: Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced: The deal will be a boost for the Turkish defence sector: which Erdogan has said should meet the country's own military hardware requirements and export to allies abroad: The sale was announced during a state visit to Ankara by Poland's President Andrzej Duda: Turkey will for the first time in its history export drones to a NATO and EU member: Erdogan told reporters after holding talks with Duda: turkish are one of the best three: four countries in the world for the hardware: We're really happy to share this experience, capability and opportunities with our NATO ally: erdogan said: Turkey remains a candidate to join the EU despite stalled talks: Turkey and Poland were - walking firmly - towards achieving their $10 billion target in bilateral trade volume: Poland will buy 24 Bayraktar TB2 drones from Baykar Defence: Turkish drones have gained in popularity since the hardware was deployed in Syria: Libya and Azerbaijan during conflicts that were prominently covered around the world:
Turkey: as part of NATO's Baltic Air-policing mission: will soon deploy its F-16 jets in Poland: Duda said Turkey was the - strongest ally- of Poland in -this part of the world: and thanked Erdogan for the Turkish pilots -protecting the skies: I believe that as part of the NATO framework: we can prevent threats to the two countries from inside and outside the country: Duda also echoed his Turkish counterpart's sentiments on their countries: commercial cooperation, which he said would bring them to their $10 billion trade target: Prior to the joint news conference: top officials of the countries signed agreements in the fields of defence: agriculture: tourism: and sports: Bayraktar TB2 entered the inventory of the Turkish army in 2014 and is currently used by several other countries: including Ukraine: Qatar: and Azerbaijan: Turkey has used its cutting-edge drones effectively over the years in cross-border: anti-terror military operations: such as Euphrates Shield: Olive Branch: and Spring Shield: to liberate its Syrian border from terrorist groups
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