
Poland Work Permit Visa |How To Apply| Reality Exposed

Poland work Permit Visa.

1. How to apply for work permit in Poland?
You don’t apply for a work permit on your own – only your future employer can apply for it. The document includes the name of your company and your job title.
That means that there is no such a thing as an open work permit for all kinds of jobs in the European Union, or even in Poland. You can work legally only for an employer who’s obtained a work permit for you, on the position described in the document. If you wish to get a second job or change employers (or even positions), your new employer must obtain a new work permit for you.

2. What is the difference between TRC and Work permit in Poland?
When you want to come to Poland you must legalize your stay and your work separately. Visa or residence permit legalizes your stay. A work permit legalizes your work when no other conditions apply.
Remember: If you’ve obtained a visa for tourism, temporary protection or humanitarian reasons, you cannot work in Poland at all.

3. What is Work Permit in Poland?
A work permit is a document that authorizes a foreigner to work legally in Poland. A permit is issued by the voivode (local governor) competent for the seat / place of residence of the employer.

4. What are the uses/ benefits of Work Permit in Poland?
Work permit is a document that entitles foreigners to work in Poland. It applies only to citizens of non-European countries.

5. What are the T&C or Protect your Tights wrt. Work Permit in Poland.
-Your employer must inform you about any progress in the application or prolongation procedures, and about any events or conditions affecting your work permit application process;
-The contract offered to you by an employer must be in accordance with the conditions described in the work permit’s application.
-The contract you sign must be translated into a language that you can understand.
-Your employer must provide you with copies of the documents involving your employment. They must always give you a copy of the work permit
-At least once a year your employer must adjust your salary to the average monthly remuneration published by the Polish official statistical institution.

6. For how long is a temporary residence and work permit valid?
Your document will be valid for up to 3 years, but not longer than your contract is for. If you have a contract for 6 months then you’ll obtain a residence and work permit for only 6 months. If you change employers, you’ll need to apply for a temporary residence permit on the basis of a new contract.

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