
Polish visa application processEP2/ Step by step How to fill visa application form/Tips, explanation

In this video. we are now showing how to fill application form.
Whatch also requirements for Polish visa:
visa application form
D- type national visa?
A D-type national visa permits to enter the territory of the Republic of Poland and to stay continuously or for several successive times in this territory for a total duration of more than 90 days during the period of validity of the visa, but not longer than one year.

A D-type national visa also permits to travel in the territory of other Schengen Area Member States for up to 90 days during a 180-day period, during the validity period of the visa.

What documents are needed when applying for a D-type visa?

► A travel document (passport document);

► A filled out and signed visa application;

► A photograph;

► A proof of visa payment;

► A medical travel insurance whose coverage amounts to not less than EUR 30,000, and covering all expenses that may arise in connection with the need to return for medical reasons, a medical emergency, urgent hospitalisation or death, or medical insurance within the meaning of Polish regulations on health care benefits financed out of public funds;

► Supporting documents:

A document confirming the purpose of travel and conditions of stay;
A document confirming possession of adequate financial resources to cover the costs of living during the planned stay and to cover the costs of return to the country of origin or residence, or to cover the costs of transit to a third country, which will certainly give permission for entry, or documents confirming that the applicant can legally obtain such funds;
A document that permits to assess that the applicant will leave the territory of the Republic of Poland before the visa expires;
Other documents that confirm other circumstances referred to in the visa application.
Supporting documents may be different depending on the country where a visa application is submitted.

For more details, please contact the relevant consular post.

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