
Promoting Equity and Accountability in IMF Special Drawing Rights

On August 23, 2021, the IMF allocated a historic $650 billion worth of SDRs to its member states, to help countries tackle the economic impact from COVID-19. Although SDRs allocations in many countries will be held by central banks, they have the potential to provide governments with fiscal flexibility and support priority spending in low- and middle-income countries.

The decisions on how countries use their SDRs are too important to be made opaquely and without public input, especially when inequality and perceived corruption have already undermined public trust in many governments.

This event unpacked the policy implications created by the SDRs allocations and identified opportunities to promote equitable and accountable use of these funds.

Mark Plant, Center for Global Development
Janet Zhou, Zimbabwe Coalition on Debt and Development
Andrés Arauz, Center for Economic and Policy Research
Peninnah Mbabazi, Southern and Eastern Africa Trade Information and Negotiations Institute (SEATINI) Uganda

Adil Ababou, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Claire Schouten, International Budget Partnership
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