

Feel free to ask anything ,
Spread Good Vibes Only .
Proud Indian , Proud Gamer !

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► PUBG PC IGN - Beasttmoddeon
►PUBG PC LITE IGN - beastizhere
► Mouse Senstivity ( DPI - 800 )
►Daily Stream at 10 pm
►STEAM LINK : https://s.team/p/frmt-qvqm/fwqpghpc


| Chat Rules |
►No Spam/Promotion of Any Kind.
►No Racism/Profanity, Treat Each Other Humbly.
►Do Not Spread Propaganda/Agenda
►Don' t let anyone spoil your fun in chat and help in keeping the chat clean by reporting spammers/abusive trolls.

Channel Goals
Make this gaming community better , aware people about pc games
And Earning from Youtube So that I can Make living form it and If one day I will become a big youtuber
I will start dontating poor people Istead of earnig more from it .


Processor - Ryzen 5 3600

Graphic card - msi Rtx 2060 oc editition

Ram - 8gb ram

Hdd - 1Tb

Ssd - 128 gb

Motherboard -B450 m2pro

Antec nx 200 cabinet

Mouse - g402

Keyboard - Redgear mt01

Headphones - Cosmic byte g4000

Mic - Maono A0-A04

Mousepad - Amazon basics Extended gaming mousepad

About Me

Name - Utkarsh Gupta
From - India
Currently trying to achieve my serious goals

Guys on stream I'm what I seriously am . I just want to Spread Good Vibes on Youtube , Entertain you all Guys
and mainly I want To Play and Win ESPORTS For India ..
This is it .
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