
Retro Warsaw - travel back in time to the 1980s!

What if you travelled in time back to the 80s? In Warsaw it's totally possible!
Our time traveller Marta Iwaszkiewicz took a crazy trip including:
- getting lost in Life under Communism Museum (https://mzprl.pl/?lang=en)
- exploring the Palace of Culture and Science from the basement to the roof (https://pkin.pl/en/home/)
- taking a ride on retro FIAT 125p with WPT 1313 guide (https://www.wpt1313.com/)
- trying some lazy noodles and pierogi at milk bar
- losing a game or two with the pinball master at Interactive Pinball Museum "Pinball Station" (https://pinballstation.pl/en/home-en/)
Take a look and tell us which place you want to visit the most!
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