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#romania_jobs #රුමේනියා_රැකියා #iam_lanka
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#Romania_job_vacancies 2021

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Romania jobs 2021
Rumania jobs
Job vacancies 2021

Finding a job in Romania can be relatively easy because the job market is currently in full development. This has created many job opportunities for foreigners. This is especially true for #people seeking specialist positions or for people with skills that are in high demand.

There are a variety of things people should know about the #job_market_in_Romania before getting taking up employment in Romania. This includes the latest legal regulations, skills needed, and employment opportunities.

EU nationals have the right to live and work in Romania without a work permit as long as they have applied for a #residence_permit, which can be obtained after having a legal work contract in Romania. Work permits are issued by the Romanian #Ministry_of_Labor and Social Protection, based on a working visa and a review of the necessary documents presented by the #applicant. All employment related issues are governed by the #Labor and #Social #Security_Ministry.

For #citizens of #non-EU countries it is necessary to# apply for a #residence_permit at the #Romanian_embassy or consulate in your home country before a work permit application is submitted. Once submitted, you are prohibited from traveling to any Schengen state until a decision is made regarding your application. #Romanian_work_permits are employer-specific. The #company must demonstrate that you have a certain set of skills necessary for the position. In addition, they need to show they were not able to fill the position with an #EU/EEA candidate. If you wish to switch companies while in #Romania, you will have to obtain a new #work_permit.

#Education and Skills
If you want to find a job in Romania the minimum requirement is usually a high-school diploma. A university degree is a must for certain positions. Fluency in English or# French is also highly valued, and #German is currently in high demand. Many HR agencies are looking for native speakers for executive-level positions in multi-national companies. Computer literacy is becoming more and more of a basic requirement. An internationally-recognized IT certification will greatly improve your chances of finding a job in #Romania.

Types of #employment for expatriates
Foreign #job-seekers traditionally found paid employment in Romania through charities and #non-governmental #organizations (NGOs). Volunteer work usually involves teaching or working with children. #Teaching #English is another great employment opportunity for foreign job-seekers throughout

Until very recently, #Romania had comparatively few foreigners living in or traveling to the country. #Romania's economic growth and the spread of the #country's reputation as a #beautiful_tourist_destination means this is changing rapidly. Still today, foreigners are few and far between.


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