
Romania Youtube Video - Sailing on the Canals of the DANUBE DELTA from Romania

Enjoy spectacular Romania Youtube video - sailing on the canals of the Danube Delta from amazing Romania, recorded in 4K with GoPro Hero 9 Black Edition.

The Danube Delta (3446 km²), located mostly in Dobrogea, Romania and partly in Ukraine, is the second largest and best preserved of the European deltas.

The Danube Delta became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1991, being classified as a national biosphere reserve in Romania and as a national park in the IUCN International Taxonomy. It overlaps both the sites of Community importance of the Danube Delta (SCI site) and the Danube Delta (maritime area); as well as the areas of special avifauna protection Beștepe - Mahmudia and the Danube Delta and the Razim Complex - Sinoie.

The Danube Delta site (since 21 May 1991) is protected by The Ramsar Convention (Wetlands) as a wetland of international importance.

The national park includes the nature reserves: Capul Doloșman, Histria Fortress, Vătafu - Lunghuleț Complex, Sacalin Zătoane Complex, Grindul and Răducu Lake, Chituc Grind, Grindul Lupilor, Popina Island, Potcoava Lake, Caraorman Forest, Letea - Bușova Forest, Rocabu Weddings - Histria, Lake Belciug, Lake Rotundu, Arinișul Erenciuc, Periteașca Complex - Leahova, Lake Nebunu, Babadag Forest - Codru, Ghiunghiurmez Hill and Murighiol Saltworks.

As one of the most beautiful countries in Eastern Europe, Romania attracts millions of tourists each year with its scenic landscapes, unique culture and historically significant landmarks. There are so many great places to visit in Romania!

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