
Ron Unz on the Culture of Corruption in the U.S.

Theoretical Physicist, entrepreneur, and public intellectual Ron Unz of The Unz Review is interviewed by Luis Razo Bravo, director of the European Institute of Science in Management.

Here is an approximate time stamp of the conversation:

00:20 Ron Unz biography
03:46 Statement of purpose
04:07 Unz diagnosis
09:15 Ranking of countries versus reality
11:25 American corruption
17:25 The Bell Curve / IQ in the Meritocracy
29:31 Media covers up corruption
36:29 Reducing corruption increases social polarization
48:35 What is the solution?
53:37 Proposal for Competitive Cooperation
56:04 Better to incent giving than stealing
59:47 What Mr. Unz is doing now


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