
SCERT Social Science Class 10 - Part 1 - Chapter 8 - കേരളം ആധുനികതയിലേക്ക് - Lecture 2 | HISTORY

10th Standard SCERT Social Science Part 1 - Chapter 8 - കേരളം ആധുനികതയിലേക്ക് | KERALA TOWARDS MODERNITY - Video Lecture Class 2:-

0:00 - Introduction

00:31 - Reform Movements and Social Changes | Kerala: A lunatic asylum | Swami Vivekananda | Swami Vivekananda and Organisations / Activities | Sri Narayana Guru | Daiva Dasaka and Athmopadesa Sathaka | Vaikom Satyagraha | Guruvayur Temple

17:32 - National Movement in Kerala | Malabar | Battle of Pookkottoor | Chettoor Sankaran Nair | K. P. Kesava Menon | E. Moidu Moulavi | Mohammed Abdu Rahiman | Malabar Rebellion

29:54 - Travancore | Malayali Memorial | Ezhava Memorial | Punnapra-Vayalar | C. Keshavan | Pattom Thanu Pillai

35:11 - Kochi | Electricity Agitation | E. Ikkanda Warrier | S. Neelakanda Iyer | V. R. Krishnanezhuthachan | E. Ikkanda Warrier | Panampalli Govinda Menon | K Ayyappan

37:31 - National Movement and Women | A V Kuttimalu Amma | Akkamma Cherian | Annie Mascarene | Gandhiji about Kaumudi

40:01 - Towards United Kerala | State Congress Committees | Nehru | K Kelappan | E M S Namboothiripad | State Reorganization Commission | N V Krishna Warrier

44:33 - Conclusion

This PSC video coaching class explains about the eighth chapter of the 10th standard (SSLC) SCERT Social Science part 1 - History textbook with the points required for Kerala PSC exams. The eighth chapter deals with the 'Kerala towards Modernity ' and this video lecture class 2 covers the topics from 'Reform Movements and Social Changes ' till the end of the chapter

The first part of this chapter up to the 'Marumakkathyam System' is explained in the previous video. You can watch that class by visiting the below link:

The link for the remaining chapters of the 10th standard social science video lecture class is given below:

For 10th standard, SCERT Social Science Text Book Part 1 Chapter 1 Lecture class - Click the below link:-
Lecture 1 - https://youtu.be/y-t2n2FZ7CQ
Lecture 2 - https://youtu.be/QKlOdJyCDps

For 10th standard, SCERT Social Science Text Book Part 1 Chapter 2 Lecture class - Click the below link:-
Lecture 1 - https://youtu.be/J56Vsq7FgwM
Lecture 2 - https://youtu.be/mfSU7ysrgvU

For 10th standard, SCERT Social Science Text Book Part 1 Chapter 3 Lecture class - Click the below link:-
Entire Chapter - https://youtu.be/5hqrTxGscXY

For 10th standard, SCERT Social Science Text Book Part 1 Chapter 4 Lecture class - Click the below link:-
Entire Chapter - https://youtu.be/Dwpgw61C2YE

For 10th standard, SCERT Social Science Text Book Part 1 Chapter 5 Lecture class - Click the below link:-
Lecture 1 - https://youtu.be/ODTCAc-ZifY
Lecture 2 - https://youtu.be/5mHe986wsik

For 10th standard, SCERT Social Science Text Book Part 1 Chapter 6 Lecture class - Click the below link:-
Lecture 1 - https://youtu.be/IOY5p0dc-V8
Lecture 2 - https://youtu.be/jVqhU0_Nd8U

For 10th standard, SCERT Social Science Text Book Part 1 Chapter 7 Lecture class - Click the below link:-
Entire Chapter - https://youtu.be/Jqg0prvuzAM

For 10th standard, SCERT Social Science Text Book Part 1 Chapter 8 Lecture class - Click the below link:-
Lecture 1 - https://youtu.be/ITIB6TJb1o0
Lecture 2 - https://youtu.be/Ncq6h6SQ-9I

This coaching class is focusing on the only required points that one should study for PSC exams from the class 10 History SCERT textbook chapter 8. These questions and points explained in this class are very important for all your upcoming psc exams including LDC, LGS, Fireman, LP/UP Assistant, etc.

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