SKiM - Moldova Learning Route, Case Study 4: Sustainable Beekeeping Agri-Business

Strengthening Knowledge Management for Greater Development Effectiveness in the Near East, North Africa, Central Asia and Europe (SKiM) is a grant project led by ICARDA and funded by IFAD. The project also collaborates with international partners CIHEAM-Bari, PROCASUR, Virginia Tech as well as NARS, governments, and agricultural extension services in Moldova, Morocco and Sudan.

Initiated in June 2018, the project facilitates and supports KM and capacity development activities in the three selected countries, providing practical examples of KM best practices for analysis and adoption by participating institutions. Increasing the capacities of participating public institutions, by providing necessary structures and systems at the country and regional levels, ensures that knowledge can be effectively managed for long-term growth and development.

The project website ( provides background information and outlines the project team, partners and stakeholders. The website also shares key documents including the project proposal, and outlines the goals, objectives and impact pathway of the project, as well as additional resources and information on news and events.

The SKiM Knowledge Management Portal ( is the open access page showcasing the latest info and achievements of SKiM institutions, organizations and networks partnering in Knowledge Management worldwide.
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