
Software Home #1: Is remote work really the future of work?

Remote working and global talent sourcing have been known and praised in the tech world for the last 10-15 years. But the recent COVID-19 pandemic caused the global lockdown which turned many other companies to consider it seriously. What does a business need to go remote? Should we really put on suits and ties when working from home? And which virtual habits and practices will we bring with us when we come back to the office? We're discussing these and other common questions in the first episode of Software Home by Deviniti!

Hosted by: Dzmitry Hryb, Marta Sztonyk, Jakub Szmańda
Post-production: Dzmitry Hryb, Dajana Samuels

Here are links to all the sources we used when preparing this material:
???? GitLab Remote Work Report 2020: https://bit.ly/31rXXM2
???? Stanford paper about the Chinese experiment: https://stanford.io/31wxOvQ
???? Global Workplace Analytics' remote-friendly job definition and statistics: https://bit.ly/31vCWAa
???? GitLab Remote Playbook: https://bit.ly/34xZO3R
???? Gartner webinars on the future of work: https://gtnr.it/2YE7Q7M, https://gtnr.it/32w6mNM
???? Jakub's recent webinar about remote work best practices (in Polish): https://bit.ly/31s6Sgx

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