
There is a Better Way to Travel The World (My Secret)

"Slow Travel" is something I define as "traveling at a reduced pace that allows for deeper immersion." There are many different ways to make this happen and in this piece I share why I prefer to do things way and how I make it a reality in my life.


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0:00 - Intro
1:04 - Part I: How I have made this happen for myself + why I prefer to do things this way
9:09 - Part II: Logistics and how to make this actually happen

Resources that I found helpful:

Shut up and go from @DamonAndJo → https://shutupandgo.travel/

A forum to deep dive into the world of being a "digital nomad" → https://www.reddit.com/r/digitalnomad/

An extensive guide for working holiday visas → https://global-goose.com/working-holiday-visas-countries/

Excellent info of approaching medium or long-term travel abroad → https://www.westernunion.com/blog/how-to-become-an-expat/

3 ways to extend your stay in a foreign country → https://bit.ly/2QmHfIr

Lots of info if you're trying to go to Europe for more than 3 months → https://bit.ly/2QkJwDY

Get $55 off your first trip with Airbnb ????→ https://www.airbnb.com/c/nathanb2793?currency=USD


Sign up to my newsletter here → https://www.nathanieldrew.com/

The gear that I use to shoot these videos → https://kit.co/nathanieldrew

Thank you to Preston Wright for help on sound design → https://www.prestonwright.ca/

Music from Musicbed (get a free trial with them using this link): http://share.mscbd.fm/nathanieldrew
Tom Fox → https://tfbeats.com/

#travel #digitalnomad #lifestyle
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