
Trams in Poland - Tramwaje Śląskie - Linia 38 - Bytom - Modertrans Moderus MF 11 AC BD

Line 38 in Bytom is the shortest urban tram service in Poland, just 1.34 km long. It runs in the historic city of Bytom, as part of the unique Silesian interurban network.

Until July 2020, line 38 was famous as being the last place in Poland, wherte the Konstal N-type trams from the late 1940s and early 50s could still be seen in revenue service. These were a Polish version of the German KSW wartime austerity design.

Now a new era has commenced with the introduction of two bi-directional Modertrans type Moderus MF 11 AC BD single units. The historic N-type trams will be retainted though as operational reserves and for special events. In the future, they might also feature as a tourist tram.

Line 38 runs up and down one street (ul. Piekarska) and like with North American railroad street running, the single track is situated in the middle of the street, with space for cars to pass on both sides. There are just 5 stops along the way, including the two termini.

The new modern trams introduce for the first time low-floor access to Line 38.

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Tramwaje w Bytomiu. Nowe pojazdy od Modertrans.

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Bei der Strassenbahn in Bytom bleiben die zwei historischen Konstal N-Wagen der Linie 38 (als polnische Nachbauten der KSW) als Betriebsreserve und für künftige Sonderfahrten erhalten. Der Betreiber Tramwaje Śląskie plant künftig auch die Linie 38 bis zum zentralen Umsteigeknoten Bytom Plac Sikorskiego durchzubinden. Dazu sind aber noch Baumassnahmen und Gleisanpassungen nötig. Der abgebildete, neue Zweirichtungswagen Nr. 1020 von Modertrans ist einer von zwei solchen Fahrzeugen die für die Linie 38 bestellt sind.
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