
Transform 2020 | Welcome Address and Panel 1 | Trans in the State of COVID-19?

The TransForm conference brings together activists, academics, lawyers, policymakers, students and civil society members.

With the COVID pandemic amplifying existing inequalities and barriers that transgender persons face in access to justice, healthcare, housing, food security and protection of rights, we need to re-evaluate what it means to be equal. In this conference, we aim to discuss the specific vulnerabilities of the trans community in India and globally, both during and post the pandemic, and chart ways to address them.

Jayna Kothari, Executive Director of the Centre for Law and Policy Research presents the welcome address.

Panel 1 focuses on Trans in the State of COVID-19.

Moderator – Shubha Chacko, Solidarity Foundation

a) Global Experiences during the Pandemic: Trans Perspectives
Antonia Belcher, The Antonia & Andrea Belcher Trans Fund

b) Fighting for Transgender Rights in COVID-19: Stories from Telangana
Vyjayanti Vasanta Mogli, Human Rights & RTI Activist and Co-Founder, Telangana Hijra Intersex Transgender Samiti

c) COVID & Trans Rights in Karnataka
Umi, Founder & Executive Director, Jeeva

d) Manipuri Experiences during COVID-19
Santa Khurai, All Manipur Nupi Manbi Association
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