Turaida Castle, Latvia

Turaida castle, Latvia 2018
Turaida Castle (Latvian: Turaidas pils, German: Treiden, Treyden, Russian: Турайдский замок; meaning Thor's garden in Livonian) is a recently reconstructed medieval castle in Turaida, in the Vidzeme region of Latvia, on the opposite bank of the Gauja River from Sigulda.
Building of the castle was started in 1214, upon directions given by Albert, Archibishop of Riga to his Livonian Brothers of the Sword (soon to merge with the Teutonic Order) at the place where previously had stood the wooden castle of Liv. A 'castellum' type fortress was built and named Fredeland, which translates as 'Land of Peace', but became better known locally by the Livonian name of 'Turaida', which has survived until the present day. The castle was constructed largely in the classic red-brick construction of the Baltic crusading orders. Improving the castle's defensive system continued in later centuries, and in the 14th century, the tower shaped southern section was built; at the beginning of the 15th century, when fire arms were invented, the semi rounded western tower was built. Domestic buildings and living accommodation were also erected in the inner yard of the castle. Minor reconstruction work was carried out in 17th century although the castle started to lose its strategic importance. After a fire in 1776 it was abandoned and gradually became ruinous.
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