
UA|TV News August 4, 2021

Preparation to the visit of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to the United States of America

On August 3, body of 26-year-old Belarusian activist Vitaly Shishov was found in a forest near Kyiv

Volodymyr Zelenskyy ordered to provide citizens of Belarus residing in Ukraine with protection

The unknown man with a grenade tried to blow up the building of the Cabinet of Ministers

Russian passports in the uncontrolled territories is one of the forms of aggression against Ukraine

Czech Republic is the most active in bringing its citizens to responsibility for mercenary activities

Russia is putting pressure on countries that will participate in the Crimean Platform summit

An international channel for smuggling counterfeit medicines was exposed on the border with Russia

984 new cases of COVID-19 were confirmed in Ukraine as of August 3

Ukrainian Jean Beleniuk won gold medal at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic

How not to lose these positions and strengthen the national brand of Ukraine

Over the past 6 months Ukraine received 40 million dollars from tourists from the Arab countries
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