
UK EEA FAMILY VISA - Bank statement, salary slips, All Requirement & Explanation by Tas Qureshi

UK EEA FAMILY PERMIT VISA - Bank statement, salary slips, All Requirement & Explanation by Tas Qureshi
Original Link: https://youtu.be/OmvHB7llb6o


How to Apply UK EEA Residence Permit for Sisters, Brothers,
Nephews, Parents and for cousins - UK EEA Family Visa

UK EEA family permit for Pakistan - یوکے کا فیملی پرمٹ اپلائی کرنے کا طریقہ


UK EEA FAMILY PERMIT VISA - Bank statement, salary slips, All Requirement & Explanation by Tas Qureshi


Any question? You can contact with me via email: tasqureshiproduction@gmail.com

( follow me on Facebook Twitter @ TasQureshi and Instagram tas_qureshi) Thanks

Direct Link: https://www.gov.uk/family-permit/documents-you-must-provide
An EEA family permit is free.
You must provide:
a valid passport
evidence of your relationship to your EEA family member, for example a marriage certificate, civil partnership certificate, birth certificate or proof that you’ve lived together for 2 years if unmarried
your family member’s valid passport or national identity card (or a certified copy if you cannot provide the original)
proof of your dependency if you’re dependent on your EEA family member
EEA family members
You must show that your EEA family member has a permanent right of residence or is one of the following if they’ve been in the UK for more than 3 months:

working, for example an employment contract, wage slips or a letter from an employer
self-employed (for example contracts, invoices or audited accounts with bank statements) and paying tax and National Insurance
studying, for example a letter from the school, college or university
financially independent, for example bank statements
Your family member must have full health insurance (comprehensive sickness insurance) if they’re studying or financially independent. uk eea family permit supporting documents. Family Visa - EU Dependent
Hi Guys My Name is Tas Qureshi and today I am going to tell you how to get UK Visa For Pakistan, India available in Urdu/Hindi - 2019 I will explain how to get UK visa without sponsorship and the visa process - for Pakistan and India. Traveling to UK has never been more organized and stress-free no matter what the purpose of your travel is. I hope this video will help you guys. If you are a educated than UK work visa is easy to get and if you want studying visa information then watch my other video Click the link above. In this video you will know how to get a UK visa. This is an easiest way to get a UK visa. I create this video to help those who do not have a money, information & sources. If you are a shengen states residence than you don't need a visa for Uk, England. Here is the list of Schengen Area Countries. The 26 Schengen countries are: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland.
Hi Guys I am Tas Qureshi. Welcome to my channel Tas Qureshi Production. Friends This channel consists of different videos for you regarding Student Visa, Work Permit, Residence Permits, Immigration, and Tourist Visa etc. (for Europe, America, Canada, and Australia/New Zealand). These all videos are a guide for you before you apply for a visa of a certain country. Please do note the videos are just for your information and not for the business purpose. This information helps you in your life for becoming successful and achieving your goals.
Any question? You can contact with me via email: tasqureshiproduction@gmail.com
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