
!! Unseen of Hungary to International Tourist !!

|| * Pardon me for the On-screen English Subtitle Typo mistake ||
On the way to Esztergom from Budapest, there are several amazing places to explore and are a good fit for Hiking and nature trail. But these are not promoted by " Hungarian Tourism Agency" -WOW Hungary on their portal but in future, if you are ever visiting Hungary, From Budapest these places - pilisvörösvár, piliscsaba, Vörösvárbánya are just 30 min Train ride and worth visiting to experience the Villages of Hungary (Kind of). Trains are at regular interval of 30 minutes and tickets are less than 2 euros. or less.
I can give several reasons to visit this place but above all is "Villages are in the lap of mountains from all corner.
Hoping my Drone views will give you the inspiration to Hope on the next train to these destinations.
Do follow my new Instagram for Stunning drone Footage- https://www.instagram.com/pilotponderer/
00:00 Destination Station Intro
02:49 - Lakes/Ponds of Pilisvorosvar
03:17 Drone Shots of Pilisvorosvar
05:17 Train to piliscsaba
08:34 Drone Shots of Piliscsaba
10:08 Cemetery Glimpse
10:52 : Introducing Pilot pondered Instagram

* Note: My Friend and classmate from Banaras Hindu University, started his own venture to provide Chinese Language assistance to Businessperson or anyone. He had served previously to many Govt agencies as well .for more You can visit his website: https://ultimatemars.com/
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