Unveiling Italy's Secret Immigration Program: Find Out How to Win!

How To Apply and Win Italys Decreto Flussy Immigration program..
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The new 2023 Flow Decree has been released #italy #italyworkpermit #italyworkpermit2023 #italyworkpermit2021 #italyworkpermits #decretoflussi #decreto #italyworkvisa #travelabroad

The Italian Government announced the number, nationalities and professional profiles of non-eu nationals that can enter in Italy for working reasons according to the 2023 so-called Flow Decree. Specifically, the quota set is 82,705 workers, broken down by country of origin and type and sector of employment.

What is the Flow Decree (decreto flussi)?

The Flow Decree sets quotas on the number of non-EU citizens granted Italian visas for employment, self-employment or seasonal work.
It also establishes rules for the conversions of residence permits granted to foreign nationals already legally residing in Italy, such as students who wish to convert their student visas into employment visas.

Which are the new rules for 2023?

For 2023, 82,705 total visas can be issued. The Italian government breaks down into fine detail the number of visas reserved for each category.

Other private and official job portals

Ministry of labor and social policies
Job by doo
Torino Comune
SeasonWorkers (In the search category, please write seasonal jobs in Italy.)
Indeed (In the search category, please write seasonal jobs in Italy.)
JustLanded (In the search category, please write seasonal jobs in Italy.)
AnyworkAnywhere (In the search category, please write seasonal jobs in Italy.)
Transitionsabroad (In the search category, please write seasonal jobs in Italy.)
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