
Visa history of Russia

The visa history of Russia deals with the requirements, in different historical epochs, that a foreign national had to meet in order to obtain a visa or entry permit, to enter and stay in the country.
Kievan Rus'
Initially in Rus', allowing the entry of foreigners was fixed according to customary law. As a rule, the following categories of foreigners were granted admittance: merchants and travelers, mercenary soldiers, and, after the adoption of Christianity, priests, painters, and artisans engaged in the construction of churches.

In the tenth century, Rus' concluded treaties establishing procedural rules. The most notable of these was the Treaty with Byzantium in 911, concluded by Oleg of Novgorod, according to which a Russian who committed crimes in the Byzantine Empire, was sent for punishment to Rus, and a Greek was sent to Byzantium. Their property was subject to confiscation.
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