
Wawel Royal Castle - Kraków, Poland | Neil Dolan Dance

???? PLEASE SUBSCRIBE ???? Wawel Royal Castle - Kraków, Poland

The beautiful Wawel Royal Castle is a residency located in central Kraków, Poland, and the first UNESCO World Heritage Site in the world. I can't wait to travel and visit more beautiful cities like this one again after lockdown. Special thanks to Łukasz for taking the time to film me jumping around in an empty castle.

Choreography: Neil Dolan | @neildolandance
Music: I Fall - Victor Lundberg | @victorlundbergmusic
Link: https://www.epidemicsound.com/track/8Di2U764Rb/
Video: Łukasz Madera | @lukaszx18

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Video: https://youtu.be/E8UhG_7oNEw
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Thanks for taking the time to watch this video. Stay tuned to this channel for more dance videos coming soon. Stay healthy and keep dancing! ????
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