
What Type of Traveller Will You Be in 2021?: Travel In 2021 What to Expect

What Type of Traveller Will You Be in 2021?: Travel In 2021 What to Expect

What we can look forward to in the New Year - We got through 2020

What Type of Traveller Are You Going to Be? 2021 Travel Predictions

What to expect when travelling in 2021 onwards Global Pandemic Changes to Travel

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What Type of Traveller Will You Be in 2021?: Travel In 2021 What to Expect

What we can look forward to in the New Year

The year 2020 was especially challenging in so many aspects.

We all should pat our backs that we have pulled through and survived the global pandemic.

As borders to other countries remain closed and COVID-19 virus is here to stay, there are still things we can look forward to in 2021.

- Travel in 2021

The travel and tourism industry has been one of the industries hardest hit by the coronavirus.

More and more nations stated their national coronavirus vaccination rollout programs and many are prioritising older people.

Given this trajectory with the hope that the virus will be under greater control, the older generation may start the new travel trend this year.

slow travel As people start to travel again, the demand grows for responsible, safe and socially distanced experiences

The lockdowns gave many people a chance to contemplate, slow down and appreciate life's small details.

Travel may never return to how it was in the previous years however the past year has reminded us how precious time is.

Slow travel idea is not new and it aims to give travellers a rich understanding of life in their destination.

The idea is to take fewer but longer holidays, engage and learn from other cultures, make a positive contribution to the local communities you visit and make the trip personally impactful.

revenge travel Travellers whose 2020 plans were impeded are intent on catching up on missed opportunities.

Once more people are vaccinated which will result in a low risk of infection, many will get comfortable with travelling again.

Although the pandemic halted our travel plans last year, it has only intensified the desire to travel in order to relax and escape.

Majority of the people will likely return to international travel especially those separated couples due to the pandemic.

This has led to the tourism industry hoping for a wave of "revenge travelling".

- Remote Work & Digital Nomads

The pandemic has highlighted the need to be flexible with your work.

Modern technology has made the shift to remote work possible.

According to a survey from U.S. based Enterprise Technology Research (ETR) working from home is expected to double in 2021.

More and more countries are offering digital nomad visas for remote workers and enticing remote working professionals to live and work abroad with digital nomad visas.

Check out our Digital Nomads playlist and see more details in our blog post to see which country is ideal for you.

Despite our fervent hopes for an easy and great year ahead, there is no doubt that 2021 will bring twists and turns.

By being optimistic and putting in more effort, each of us can alter the way we navigate the year ahead.

What are the things you look forward to this year? comment below

If you need assistance with a visa to Europe, the UK or the US, including help with securing your travel arrangements, IaM can help.

For visa advice, contact your IAM coordinator.

If you're still unsure about your application, let us help you out!

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✈ Apply for your Schengen Visa at https://immigrationandmigration.com/schengen-visas to get your Schengen Visa!


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