پراگ محل، زیک ریپبلک | Prague Castle, Czech Republic | Interesting Facts | Hindi / Urdu Travel

Prague Castle is a castle complex in Prague, Czech Republic, built in the 9th century. It is the official office of the President of the Czech Republic. The castle was a seat of power for kings of Bohemia, Holy Roman emperors, and presidents of Czechoslovakia. The Bohemian Crown Jewels are kept within a hidden room inside it. According to the Guinness Book of Records, Prague Castle is the largest ancient castle in the world, occupying an area of almost 70,000 square metres (750,000 square feet), at about 570 metres (1,870 feet) in length and an average of about 130 metres (430 feet) wide. The castle is among the most visited tourist attractions in Prague attracting over 1.8 million visitors annually. The castle buildings represent many of the architectural styles of the last millennium. Prague Castle includes Gothic St. Vitus Cathedral, Romanesque Basilica of St. George, a monastery and several palaces, gardens and defense towers. Most of the castle areas are open to tourists. The castle houses several museums, including the National Gallery collection of Bohemian baroque and mannerism art, exhibition dedicated to Czech history, Toy Museum and the picture gallery of Prague Castle, based on the collection of Rudolph II. The Summer Shakespeare Festival regularly takes place in the courtyard of Burgrave Palace. The neighborhood around Prague Castle is called Hradčany. Katedrála svatého Víta, Václava a Vojtěcha (St. Vitus Cathedral)
Bazilika svatého Jiří (St. George's Basilica, Prague) and Klášter svatého Jiří (St. George's Convent, Prague), it is the oldest surviving church building within Prague Castle. Chrám Všech svatých (All Saints Church). Kaple svatého Kříže (Holy Cross Chapel). Starý královský palác (Old Royal Palace)
Letohrádek královny Anny (Queen Anne's Summer Palace, better known as the Belvedere) Lobkovický palác (Lobkowicz Palace, not to be confused with the German embassy in Malá Strana) Nový královský palác (New Royal Palace (Prague). Sloupová síň (Column Hall). Španělský sál (Spanish Hall). Rudolfova galerie (Rudolph's Gallery). Rothmayerův sál (Rothmayer's Hall). Vladislavský sál (Vladislav Hall). Towers, Bílá věž (White Tower (Prague Castle). Černá věž (Black Tower (Prague Castle). Daliborka (Dalibor Tower). Prašná věž or Mihulka (Mihulka). Other buildings, Zlatá ulička (Golden Lane) Staré purkrabství (Old Supreme Burgrave's House ). Míčovna (Ball Game Hall). Jízdárna Pražského hradu (Riding School). Staré proboštství (Old Provost Residence). Nové proboštství (New Provost Residence). Prašný most (Prašný Bridge). Gardens, Svatováclavská vinice (St. Wenceslas' Vineyard) on east Královská zahrada (Royal Garden of Prague Castle)
Oranžérie (Orangery) Zahrada na terase Jízdárny (Riding School Terrace Garden) Zahrada Na Baště (The Garden on the Bastion)
Jižní zahrady (South Gardens) Rajská zahrada (Paradise Garden) Zahrada Na Valech (Garden on the Ramparts) Hartigovská zahrada (The Hartig Garden) Jelení příkop (Deer Moat) Svatováclavská vinice (St. Wenceslas vineyard) Produkční zahrady Pražského hradu (Horticultural Gardens). Structures Kohlova kašna (Kohl's Fountain) Matyášova brána (Matthias Gate) Obelisk (Obelisk) Socha svatého Jiří (Statue of Saint George). In popular culture Prague Castle served as a Pit Stop for both the fifteenth season of the American Amazing Race and the first season of the Australian Amazing Race.

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