???? Electric car trip 1200 km Balingen to Czech Prague Marienbad and back Renault Zoe eDrive ????⚡️

Our adventurous journey with the electric Renault Zoe Q90, from Balingen in Germany to Prague in Czech Republic and back via Mariánské Lázně (Marienbad).
A great trip with our electric car. Almost runninmg out of power...
Individual electric mobility is the future and already possible. Much more fun and so much cheaper than with the old fashioned internal combustion engine cars. Electric driving means no disturbing noise, no vibrations of the car, no local pollution inside the cities where people living. Pollution means no smoke and no noise pollution. Just a clean way of transportation. Even if powered by the most dirtiest carbon energy, it's still more clean than gasoline or diesel engines.

01:12 charging at Autobahn Gas Station Neuenstein
03:12 charging at Satteldorf
09:05 14 km battery status left
15:09 Border at Czech Republic to buy Highway vignette
18:24 low battery status is alarming
21:19 3% state of charge and trying all my rfid cards
29:26 arrived in Kings Court hotel Prague
34:37 Charging station Rocycany blocked by trucks
42:00 charging station in front of our hotel in Mariánské Lázně (Marienbad)
44:54 electric buses in Mariánské Lázně (Marienbad)
46:58 back in Germany at the charging station
52:21 short stop at Autobahn charging station Kammerstein Nord
55:18 charger at Kaufland Crailsheim

 #eDrive #czech #RenaultZoe #Q90
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