3 BEST NEW PLACES in PRAGUE Honest Guide TOVdssinA6g

Best places in Prague that just opened up? Check out these 3 awesome places.
WE MADE A BOOK! About our love for the city of Prague, best beer places, cheap restaurants… get it here: https://honest.blog/shop/honest-guide-en/

Map to these places:
Swim: https://goo.gl/maps/HEMPMvSze8z
Best view of Old Town Square from Starbucks...: https://goo.gl/maps/AUeGHWYdXNJ2
Dva kohouti: https://goo.gl/maps/RnMf1jiUR2S2

If you feel like checking out on our insta life, here are some links!
Janek: https://instagram.com/janekrubes/
Honza: https://instagram.com/honzamikulka/
our Instagram battle: https://instagram.com/realhonestguide

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and let us know what would you like to see!

We hope you'll have an amazing time!

Thank you for your support!
Honza Mikulka & Janek Rubeš
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