A farewell party for Coronavirus in Prague

On July 1, thousands gathered in Prague for a farewell party. It was held to give the coronavirus a “symbolic farewell”. The party was organised to celebrate their renewed freedom after months of restrictions. People sat at a 500-metre-long table on the Charles bridge and they shared food and drinks brought from home.

The Czech Republic was among the first to enforce a lockdown. As of June 30, the country of 10.7 million reported 11,895 cases and 349 deaths. In Prague, the government has now permitted public gatherings of up to 1,000 people.

At 500-metre table, Prague citizens say goodbye to coronavirus with a dinner. Read more here: https://www.thehindu.com/news/international/at-500-metre-table-prague-citizens-say-goodbye-to-coronavirus-with-a-dinner/article31959598.ece

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