DON'T DO THIS IN PRAGUE! (34 things not to do in Prague)

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Don't do this in Prague! When you visit this country, definitely don't do these 345 things. Trust me, I've lived in Prague for over 9 years and I've definitely made some of these mistakes! This is one of the most fun countries to visit in Europe, and if you can avoid these mistakes, you'll have a better time and get to experience the city and country like a local.

01:02 On the map
02:07 In Czech home
02:52 On Public Transit
05:50 In Czech restaurants or pubs
08:51 Out and About

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▶ A B O U T D R E A M P R A G U E:

Ahoj! I'm Jen, Native Californian, living in Prague, Czech Republic for the past 9 years with my husband and our rescue dog Tobik. One fateful night, we drank a bottle of wine, threw a dart at the map, and bought one-way tickets to move our entire lives to the center of Europe! Everyday we learn something new, about Czech people, Czech culture, Czech history, Czech language and how to battle the Czech bureaucracy. Dream Prague started as a place to share what we learned with other foreigners living here.

Are you considering a move, a visit, or simply interested in American culture vs. Czech culture? Subscribe and hit the bell to get notified of my latest video each week!


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▶ I R E C O M M E N D

➾ My digital How to move to Prague Course!
I cover everything from how to find a flat to finding a community and dealing with visas and other legal requirements.

Language Learning:

➾ Anki digital flashcards for spaced repetition learning:
➾ *Italki for online lessons and conversation practice: use code DREAM at checkout to receive $5 off a $10 purchase

*Sponsor of this channel

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▶ C O N N E C T W I T H M E !

➾ Instagram | @jendreamprague |
➾ Facebook | @dreamprague |
➾ Website |

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▶ M O R E V I D E O S Y O U ' L L E N J O Y

➾ The honest truth about my life in Prague:
???? Quality of life CZ vs. US:

➾ Are you planning a visit to Prague?
???? How to Survive a Czech Restaurant:
???? Secret places in Prague the tourists miss:
???? Holiday Weekend in Prague:

➾ Are you learning Czech?
???? How I learn Czech:
???? My favorite language learning hack (Czech with English subtitles):
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